Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Don't you love it when you open your e-mail inbox and see chain mails? I just love it when that happens...i get to see into the future

These mails are almost always sent by the same old people every single time and it always goes


1 person- you will die the most horribly painful death and then be fed to hungry devil bulls with mad cow disease, AIDs, cancer, hepatitis A, B and C, tubercolosis, and a mild case of the chicken pox.

5 people- on your way home tomorrow a car will knock you down, then while you're sithering in pain on the road, you'll get run over by a van followed by a truck, an oil tanker and finally an airplane will land on you.

10 people- God might decide he wants you to live...But then he stops to think "hmm...wait a minute...why didn't this asshole send it out to 15 people, huh? HUH?..."

15 people- God decided you let to live...for now...

25 people- God might think you worked hard enough for your crush to notice you exist, so don't go slacking now, we have to reach 50 people next time...

But today i got something different...but as annoying...really "cute" pictures of little kittens. Doing "cute" things like trying to climb out of a glass box, playing with a cotton ball, standing on it hind legs and combing its fur, swimming the backstroke with a swimsuit and a shower cap on sticking the middle finger to other swimmers in it path...aww!how sweet is that!!! IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE FUCKING PUKING!!!

"if you foward this you're my friend"

Gone are the days where we stood by friends through thin and thick, stand by his side through laughter and tear, support him during his darkest hour and share with him the golden moments.

Now we have to look at sickeningly cute little kittens and temporarily lose sanity looking at the images trying to foward the mail to 50 people so god might deem me fit to be smiled upon by my crush...
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