Thursday, November 10, 2005

Mindless Gamer

I love to spend midless hours on my ps2 console stabbing away on the buttons and headbutting the wall nearest to me whenever my character dies. I don't understand why games are becoming so realistic nowadays, why in god's name must bullet ammunition run out? And even though i could fucking spray every enemy's brains all over the pavement i have to resort to running around like an idiot finding bullets and health and shit.

Nobody wants to play virtual scavenger hunts. If i wanted to find shit, i'd clean out my room and if i wanted realism i wouldn't fucking be playing video games.

I was playing Max Payne just now, with it being the end of weekend and all, for those who don't know what the fuck the game's about, think Counter-Strike. So the game was so bloody shitty i had to wait for redundant cut-aways for character and storyline building, i mean just tell me whose brains i have to blow, and lets start playing.

I was already on a previous save and had completed the earlier shit which had significantly more character building animation, save points is another whacked idea, why do we need to find a pedestal or talk to some shit head to save the game, we never needed that in Mario.

But i continued playing because i had so much free time that i didn't know of a more pathetic way to blow. I defeated this mob boss guy, and just when i thought the fun was supposed to start, the fucking thing ended on me.

So just when you thought the fun in this post is about to start, it's going to fucking end on you just because i want you to know how it feels.
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