Wednesday, November 30, 2005

We need more violence on TV

People are always bitching about violence and sex on tv and how it influences the youths. I completely stopped watching tv for like 2 weeks already, the only thing i watch is whatever things on MTV and soccer every weekend. AND man, after watching channel 5 today, for about 3 straight hours ending with tiramisu(complete shit of a show and utter waste of brain cells comprehending idiotic and moronic storyline) i realise why people are bitching about sex and violence: there's not fucking enough of it, everything on channel 5 sucks the way reading sleeping beauty sucks.

We need alot more violence on tv, alot more. I mean, seriously, I don't want to see that gof akara guy being more obnoxious than an "emo" kid or that Tan Keng Hua just eating and eating and eating and eating. If it were up to me, I'll remove all the fucking shows on tv and put steven siegal as the manager for the entire network, if possible he could cross over to radio and puch all those irritating drivers who bother to call in to all those fucking cheezy shows in the morning. I'd definately recommend this programme, wonder why i never thought of it earlier though, a show where there's just this guy running over old people and stupid babies crawling onto roads.

What's that? Lame idea?!...oh well...i say "go to fucking hell".

So anyway back to this guy running over senile seniors and stupid saliva-dripping babies because he feels he needs to reduce the stupidity in the world and curb the rising population threat the world poses. Of course the main lead, probably siegal himself will drive from China to India to the United States, Singapore don't need to curb population, we need to fly those injured people who survived being run over in and treat them and become a medical hub where all the sick people in the world comes to. We should have more shows like Rambo on TV all the time, now that'll be kickass. All those dipshits bitching about violence and sex on television need my foot down their eosophagus.

Violence builds character, we don't want to raise a nation of wimpy citizens who become generals kissing asses and not ever even seeing a war in life. Ok, thats it, i'm too tired to continue this...i'll just leave the sex bit up to your imaginations...
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