Thursday, April 13, 2006

If just you could understand my pain

I have the worst tooth-ache ever. Man, most of you don't even know what a toothache fucking hurts man, fucking hurts. I used to laugh at people with toothaches, because, its not a real pain. Its just in your mouth and there's no bruising, no bleeding or any visible ailment, in short, its a sissy's pain. How my impression has changed.

But, the real reason for this post has of course more substance than my bloody toothache, i'm not the sort of person to yelp everytime something bad or hurtful happens and post it up on my site and cry to my mummy or look for sympathy.

I was on the SMRT a few days back, and this girl showing alot of cleavage walks in and stood almost right in front of me. I'm not a pervert or anything, but i just couldn't help but look. I felt disgusted for looking, but that didn't stop me from stealing glances.

Given i might be single and people may think i'm a pervert. But there were guys with wives and some with girlfriends and one even looked gay, they all stared. Anyway to take my mind(and eyes) off her chest, i started counting the number of guys who were stealing quickies of her.

One after another they came into the train, one after another, their eyes landed on her chest, and then quickly to the railing to hang on to to avoid falling on her chest when the train started moving. I chalked up 26/30 guys, who were in decent view of her chest, looking at her chest. The other 4 might be gays, i'll have to get back to you on that. And those who looked, it wasn't just one time affairs, they were repeat offenders. Actually, repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated offenders.

So after the 30th guy, i got sick of the consistency at which guys were oogling her. Oh yeah, and if you count me, 27/31. That only makes the male half of our species seem more dispicable.

But, if you think about it, its instinctive, its the most natural thing a guy would do. Its almost animal-like, an inbuilt reaction, a primal instinct. And girls have it too.

Girls, when was the last time you walked past a shop and you see shoes. And you just have to take a look. HAVE TO take a look. You pick up pair and pair after pair and look. Its the same thing with guys. We have to look.

In fact, not looking is when the problem arises. Think about it.
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