Monday, October 31, 2005

time (or the lack of it)

i find myself having no time to think up of the incredible crap that i blogged about during the holidays. I have very recently (yesterday) even contemplated closing down this shit factory because the kind of stuff i find myself trying to squeeze in here (like the last joke) is just pathetic. I rather close this blog down that to stoop to discussing intellectual topics that make a difference to this world, i just will not subject myself to the torture of reality and smart-ass "global" topics. Who gives a rats ass about how many companies Disney own, they produce fucking shitty content that have so much singing in it that i rather stab my eye-ball with a toothpick than sit through happy singing and feel good ending. My cousin loves the channel and i'd be stuck to listening to the incessant singing until i can't stand it anymore and start head-butting all the soft toys in her room. Is all that singing necessary? can't anyone walk to to school feeling normal and sulking and frowning and being so despondant they let the flies nibble on their ears without having the energy to flick them away. Why are kids being filled with so much bullshit with happy endings and talking candles. Disney sucks. Whenever i watch anything in Disney channel i just feel so sugar coated i have to punch someone in the face to get rid of that feeling.

and how did i get to talking about Disney in the first place?
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